European projects carried out at

European projects in
those of us who have participated

European project AAL SUMMIT within the AAL PROGRAM (2012)

We participated in the communication and organization of the closing event in Bilbao AAL SUMMIT 2012, a unique meeting forum between different agents to imagine the policies capable of developing the broad Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) market and increase the chances that The AAL Joint Program (JP) rapidly generates products and services capable of meeting the needs of an aging population, and of health and social systems facing greater demands and demands for sustainability.

European project Bizkaia Silver Week within the AAL PROGRAM (2018)

We participated in the communication and organization of the closing event in Bilbao Bizkaia Silver Week in 2018. Bizkaia Silver Week brought together in Bilbao-Bizkaia, the main agents on the silver economy, active and healthy ageing, and demographic change, generating a sincere dialogue on the future of European societies, in a future of inclusive prosperity.

European project BBT Intelligent Tool System within the Horizon 2020 Program (2018 -2019)

We developed the communication and dissemination plan for the European BBT project. The main objective of the BBT project is to develop a concept of an intelligent tool for the internal profiling of the engine transmission shaft that integrates different technological subsystems that allow achieving a great Length to Diameter ratio and complying with the aeronautical requirements related to the state of the surface. mechanized.

Recycomp European project within the Horizon 2020 Program (2020 -2023)

We developed the communication and dissemination plan for the European project RECYCOMP, financed with European funds, which is developing a machine for the recovery and recycling of uncured carbon fiber reinforced polymer waste, taking the surplus material from lamination and generating new usable prepreg on a roll.

Weibal European project within the Horizon 2020 Program (2020 -2023)

We developed the communication and dissemination plan for the WEIBAL European project. The main objective of the WEIBAL project is to develop a weight and balance measurement system for the analysis of the weight distribution of tiltrotors, which allows evaluating the position of the Center of Gravity (CoG) in three-dimensional space.

European project RED 5R within the CERVERA TECHNOLOGY CENTERS call (2020 -2023)

We developed the communication and dissemination plan for the European project R5. The main objective of the R5 project is to develop a scientific-technical strengthening plan for the participating centers to position ourselves as the reference R&D network in the development and application of robotic technologies.

We are looking for a partner in our consortium to carry out the communication and dissemination plan.

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